• A provides soil and plants micronutrients such as zinc, iron, manganese, copper, boron and molybdenum.
• Increases crop yield and quality.
Ingredients :
• Fe: 2% , B: 0.5%, Mn:0.5%, Zn:5%, Cu:0.2%
Dose :
Soil Application : 5Kg/Acre
Packing : 5Kg, 10Kg, 25Kg
• It increases the number of white roots in the soil and increases the efficiency of each nutrient.
Ingredients :
• Humic Acid: 3%
Dose :
Soil Application: 5-10Kg/Acre
Packing : 1Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 30Kg
• Contains rich organic carbon along with potash and magnesium as well as trace amounts of nutrients.
• Increasing the process of photosynthesis and pollen germination in the plant, the crop gives higher quality yield.
Dose :
Soil Application : 6-12kg. / Acre
Packing : 6Kg
• Vam Active increases the fibrous roots of plants in the form of endomicrorhiza.
• Increases the activity of inorganic nutrients in the soil.
• Left active It makes the plant roots fibrous in the form of endomycorrhizae.
• Increases the efficiency of insoluble nutrients present in the soil.
Ingredients :
• Endomycorrhiza: 10L IP.
Dose :
Drip/Drenching : 4-8Kg/Acre
Packing : 1Kg, 4Kg